Surah Baqarah last 2 Ayat Benefits that you should know

The glorious Quran was sent down by Allah as a source of limitless mercy and blessings. In it are a plethora of ‘Duas’ or supplications that Allah taught us and encouraged us to use them to invoke Him.  Benefits of many such Quranic duas have been mentioned by the beloved Prophet also in his sayings.


One such Quranic dua whose rewards were mentioned in abundance by the beloved Prophet is based on the last two ayahs of Surah Baqarah (2: 285-286). In this article I will try to discuss in detail the blessings and benefits of the last two ayahs of surah Baqarah in the light of the authentic narrations of the beloved Prophet.


Although the real benefits of this dua are far beyond what I can enumerate in this article, still I will try to summarize them in the best way I can.


Surah Baqarah last 2 Ayat benefits


  • The context and background in which this dua was revealed to the beloved Prophet distinguishes it from the rest of the Quran. It is the only portion of the Quran which was revealed beyond the physical world.


According to an authentic narration of the prophet, the last two ayahs of surah Baqarah were gifted to the prophet on his spiritual journey of Mai’raj (Sahih Muslim: 173).

The spot at which the beloved prophet was granted this dua is the ‘Sidrat ul Muntaha’ which is located on the sixth heaven. This is the place of highest accession of the angels beyond which even they are not permitted.

Hence the very context and background of the revelation of this dua manifests its importance and the special mercy of Allah which is embodied within it.


  • The beloved prophet advised a lot of things to be recited at night before sleep like the Ayat ul Kursi, the last three Surahs of the Quran, Surah Fatiha etc


However if due to some reason, you find it cumbersome to recite them all, you need not worry. There is a shortcut that the beloved Prophet has himself mentioned through which one can gain the rewards of all the duas. That shortcut is none other than the last two ayahs of Surah Baqarah.


The beloved prophet said regarding these two ayahs that whosoever recites them at night, it would suffice for him (Sahih Bukhari: 5009). This is a special concession granted by the Prophet to those who do not have the patience to recite too many things before sleep.


  • There is another narration of the beloved Prophet that testifies to the special status of this dua.


It is mentioned in Sahih Muslim that once when Gabriel was with the beloved Prophet, he heard a sound from above like a door opening. Gabriel looked up toward the sky and said “This is a gate in Heaven that has been opened, but it was never opened before”.


He said: “An Angel came down from it and came to the Prophet and said “Receive the glad tidings of two lights that have been given to you and were never given to any prophet before you- Surah Fatihah and the last two verses of Surah Baqarah. You will never recite a single letter of them but you will be rewarded for it.” (Muslim: 1760).


Hence in the above narration this dua has been equated with Surah Fatiha and has been described as a light. This dua is so beneficial that each letter of it is a source of mercy and rewards.




As mentioned at the beginning, the glorious Quran contains an abundance of supplications are embodiments of Allah’s mercy. However we can conclude from the above narrations, that among all these supplications the most comprehensive and holistic is based on the last two ayahs of Surah Baqarah.


Any excuse for not memorizing them and reciting them frequently would be considered lame. Every believer should study, understand and memorize them to avail their rewards.


The parents should especially make it a point to make teach their children this dua and ask them to recite it every night before sleeping. This will gradually become their life-long habit and they will never sleep without it. It should be noted here that by ‘teaching’ I do not mean just making them cram it, but they should be able to understand its meaning when they recite it.


As I had mentioned at the beginning of this article, to enumerate all the benefits of any Quranic dua in an article is not possible. My aim was just to introduce you to this dua so that it creates a fascination among you to learn and understand it. I hope this article encourages you to learn this majestic and wonderful dua by heart and recite it frequently.


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